Rubber Expansion Joint Manufacturer

The price difference of rubber expansion joints

In many people’s opinion, the price of rubber joints is actually similar. The difference is mainly due to the difference on the flange, there are national standard, non-standard, cast steel. In the actual application, according to my practical needs can be determined. 

In fact, this concept is rather one-sided. The difference in price of rubber joints is not only the existence of different raw materials of flanges, but also the raw materials of rubber that are not used is an important point that leads to the difference in price.

The price difference of rubber expansion joints

The quality of rubber joints is not good or bad just by the naked eye on the surface. Some of them are not well disposed of the inner layer of rubber, but the surface is very beautiful, so it is easy to mistake such a good rubber. In fact, the good rubber joint is no taste, the inside is with steel wire, the cord fabric layer is also very thick, and secondly, look at its workmanship how it is.

JOINTIB is a leading rubber expansion joints manufacturer and supplier designing cost effective joints. JOINTIB is always glad to assist and help on all questions of Rubber Expansion Joints. You can contact us by filling out a form on our website or writing email to

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